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how to install a belt on a kenmore dryer

I’m having trouble installing a belt on my Kenmore dryer. I’ve looked up instructions online and it seems like it should be a relatively simple process, but I’m having trouble understanding what I’m supposed to do. I’m not sure which way the belt should be installed and which parts of the dryer it should be connected to. I would really appreciate any advice or help that anyone can provide. Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

  1. I remember when I first had to install a belt on my Kenmore dryer. It was a daunting task, but I knew I had to do it. I started by unplugging the dryer and removing the back panel. Then, I located the drum and the pulley wheel. I removed the old belt and made sure to keep track of the pulley wheel’s orientation. Next, I took the new belt and looped it around the drum, making sure it was centered. I then looped the belt around the pulley wheel and adjusted the tension. Finally, I put the back panel back on and plugged the dryer back in. It was a satisfying feeling when I heard the dryer running again. Installing a belt on a Kenmore dryer may seem intimidating, but with some patience and a few simple steps, it can be done.