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where is serial number on hotpoint washing machine?

I’m trying to locate the serial number on my Hotpoint washing machine. I’ve looked all around the machine, but I can’t seem to find it. I’ve looked at the back and sides, but I don’t see anything that looks like a serial number. Can anyone help me out? Does anyone know where the serial number is located on a Hotpoint washing machine? I’d really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can offer. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. I remember the day I bought my Hotpoint washing machine. I was so excited to finally have a machine that would make doing laundry easier. I was so proud of my purchase.

    But then I ran into a problem. I couldn’t find the serial number. I looked all over the machine but it seemed to be missing. I was so frustrated and confused. I had no idea what to do.

    I decided to do some research online and I eventually found out that the serial number was located on the back of the machine. I was relieved that I had finally found it. I was so relieved that I had finally solved my problem.

    I am now able to use my Hotpoint washing machine with no problems. I am so thankful that I was able to find the serial number and that I can now enjoy the benefits of my machine.