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hotpoint washing machine how to reset

I have a Hotpoint washing machine and I’m having trouble resetting it. I’ve tried all the usual things like unplugging it, checking the power and resetting the circuit breaker, but nothing seems to work. Is there any other way I can reset it? Any help would be much appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I had a terrible time trying to reset my Hotpoint washing machine. I had no idea how to do it and I was so frustrated. I tried searching online but nothing seemed to work. I even tried calling the manufacturer but they weren’t very helpful. I was about to give up when I finally stumbled upon a simple solution. All I had to do was unplug the machine, wait a few minutes, and then plug it back in. It worked like a charm and I was so relieved. I’m so glad I didn’t have to go through the hassle of getting a technician out or buying a new machine. I’m so glad I was able to reset my Hotpoint washing machine and get it back up and running.