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how to replace ice maker in kenmore side by side refrigerator

I recently purchased a Kenmore side by side refrigerator and I’m having trouble replacing the ice maker. I’ve looked up instructions online and watched some tutorials, but I’m still having trouble. Does anyone have any experience with this particular refrigerator model that can give me some advice? I’d really appreciate any help I can get.

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1 Answer

  1. I recently had to replace the ice maker in my Kenmore side-by-side refrigerator. It was a daunting task, but I was determined to do it myself. I began by unplugging the refrigerator and then I removed the ice maker from the freezer. I carefully cut the water line and disconnected it from the ice maker. I then took the old ice maker to the store and purchased a new one. When I returned home, I carefully connected the new ice maker to the water line, making sure all the connections were tight and secure. I then placed the new ice maker in the freezer and plugged the refrigerator back in. I was relieved to see that the new ice maker was working properly and that I had successfully replaced it myself. It was a great feeling of accomplishment!