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how to drain kenmore dishwasher

I have a Kenmore dishwasher and I’m having trouble draining it. I’ve tried using the manual drain hose, but it’s not working. I’ve also tried running a cycle with no dishes in it, but that didn’t help either. Does anyone have any tips or advice on how to drain my Kenmore dishwasher? I’d really appreciate any help that I can get. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. I remember when I first moved into my apartment, I had no idea how to drain my Kenmore dishwasher. I was so frustrated trying to figure it out that I almost gave up and called a repairman. But then I remembered my dad always telling me to never give up, so I decided to keep trying.

    After a few minutes of searching online, I finally found the answer. It was actually surprisingly simple. All I had to do was locate the drain hose on the back of the dishwasher, disconnect it, and then place it in the sink. After that, I just had to turn on the hot water in the sink and the dishwasher would start draining.

    I was so relieved that I had figured it out on my own. I felt proud of myself for not giving up and for finding the solution. Now, whenever I need to drain my dishwasher, I know exactly what to do.