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how much water does a miele dishwasher use

I’m trying to figure out how much water a Miele dishwasher uses. I’m looking to make sure that I’m using the most efficient dishwasher possible, and I’m hoping to get some advice from people who have experience with Miele dishwashers. I’m wondering if anyone can tell me how much water the dishwasher typically uses, and if there are any tips for making sure that I’m using it in the most efficient way possible. Any advice or information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. Hi there!

    Thanks for asking this question. As an expert on dishwashers, I can tell you that the amount of water used by a Miele dishwasher depends on the model and the cycle you choose. Generally, Miele dishwashers use between 4 and 7 gallons of water per cycle.

    The exact amount of water used will also depend on the type of cycle you select. For example, the “Eco” cycle uses less water than the “Intensive” cycle. The “Eco” cycle uses 4.5 gallons of water, while the “Intensive” cycle uses 6.5 gallons of water. Additionally, some Miele dishwashers have a “Half Load” option, which uses less water than a full load.

    It’s important to note that the amount of water used by a Miele dishwasher can vary from model to model. Some models