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how to fix frigidaire dryer

I have a Frigidaire dryer that isn’t working properly. It’s not drying my clothes completely and I’m concerned that it may be a bigger issue than I thought. I’ve tried cleaning out the lint trap and checking the venting but that hasn’t had any effect. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on what I should do to fix the problem. Is there a way to troubleshoot it myself or should I call a repairman? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. If the dryer is not heating, the first step is to check the thermal fuse. If the thermal fuse has blown, it will need to be replaced. If the thermal fuse is not the issue, the heating element may need to be replaced. If the dryer is not spinning, the belt may need to be replaced. If the belt is not the issue, the motor may need to be replaced. If the dryer is making strange noises, the drum rollers may need to be replaced. If the drum rollers are not the issue, the motor may need to be replaced.