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why is my hotpoint washing machine leaking out the bottom

I have a Hotpoint washing machine that has recently started leaking out the bottom. I’m not sure what is causing it, but it’s definitely coming from the machine. I have checked the hoses and they seem to be in good condition. I have also checked the drain pipe and it appears to be in good condition as well. I’m at a loss as to what could be causing the leak. I would really appreciate any advice or suggestions as to what could be causing the leak and how I can fix it. Thank you in advance.

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1 Answer

  1. I was doing my laundry the other day when I noticed water dripping from the bottom of my Hotpoint washing machine. I was so frustrated – I had just bought this machine a few months ago and I had been so happy with it. I had no idea why it was suddenly leaking.

    I immediately checked the hoses and connections, but everything seemed to be in place. I even tried running the machine again, but the water kept leaking out. I was starting to get worried that I had a major issue on my hands.

    I decided to take a closer look and noticed that the rubber seal around the door was cracked. I realized that this must be the source of the leak. I was relieved that the problem wasn’t anything more serious, but I was still disappointed that my machine was malfunctioning.

    I contacted the manufacturer and they sent me a new seal. I replaced the seal and the machine was as good as new. I’m glad I