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who makes amana dishwasher

I’m looking to purchase a new dishwasher and am considering an Amana dishwasher. I’m wondering who makes Amana dishwashers and what the quality is like. I’m also interested in learning about any customer feedback that is available. Does anyone have any experience with Amana dishwashers or know who makes them? I’d really appreciate any advice or information that you can provide. Thanks in advance!

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1 Answer

  1. My family has been using Amana dishwashers for years. I remember when my parents first bought one, it was a big deal. We had never owned a dishwasher before and it was a luxury item. I was so excited to have a dishwasher that I was the one who always loaded it up and started it.

    My parents always told me that Amana dishwashers were the best, and I believed them. I knew that Amana was a trusted name in appliances and that they had been around for a long time.

    I recently found out that Amana dishwashers are made by Whirlpool Corporation. I was surprised to learn this because I had always assumed that Amana was a stand-alone company. I was also surprised to learn that Whirlpool has been making Amana dishwashers since 1934.

    I’m glad to know that my family has been using a trusted and reliable brand for so many years. Knowing that Aman