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hotpoint washing machine overflows when smaller load

I have a Hotpoint washing machine and it has been overflowing when I put in a smaller load. I’m not sure what the problem is and I’m hoping someone here can help me. I have checked the hoses and they seem to be working fine. I have also checked the drain and it appears to be clear. I’m not sure what else I can do to fix the problem. I would really appreciate any advice or help that anyone can provide.

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1 Answer

  1. I recently had a terrible experience with my Hotpoint washing machine. I had a small load of laundry and I set the machine to the appropriate settings, but it started overflowing. I tried to stop it, but the water kept coming out. I quickly shut off the machine and unplugged it. I was so frustrated and angry. I had to mop up the water and clean up the mess.

    I called Hotpoint customer service and told them about my experience. They were very helpful and offered to send a technician to my house to take a look at the machine. The technician arrived a few days later and quickly identified the problem. It turns out the machine was set to a higher water level than necessary for a small load. The technician adjusted the settings and the machine worked perfectly after that.

    I was relieved that the issue was resolved and thankful for the quick and professional service from Hotpoint. It was a stressful experience, but I’m glad it was resolved without