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where is the moisture sensor on a bosch dryer

I’m having trouble locating the moisture sensor on my Bosch dryer. I’ve looked all around the outside of the dryer and can’t seem to find it. I’ve checked the user manual and it doesn’t seem to have any information on the location of the sensor. Does anyone know where the moisture sensor is located on a Bosch dryer? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. Hi there!

    Thanks for asking this question. I’m an expert on Bosch dryers, so I’m happy to help you out.

    The moisture sensor on a Bosch dryer is located inside the drum. It’s a small, round, white plastic piece that’s connected to a wire. It’s usually located near the back of the drum, near the lint filter. The moisture sensor is responsible for detecting the moisture levels in the clothes and adjusting the drying time accordingly.

    It’s important to keep the moisture sensor clean and free of lint and debris. If the moisture sensor is blocked, it won’t be able to accurately detect the moisture levels in the clothes and the drying time may be too short or too long. To clean the moisture sensor, open the dryer door and remove the lint filter. Then, use a soft brush to gently clean the moisture sensor. Be careful not to damage the wire or the plastic piece.