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where is the fan on a hotpoint fridge freezer

I’m trying to locate the fan on my Hotpoint fridge freezer but I’m having trouble finding it. I’ve looked all around the inside of the fridge and freezer, but I can’t seem to find it. I’ve also looked at the back and sides of the appliance, but there’s no sign of a fan. Does anyone know where the fan is located on this model of fridge freezer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. It was a hot summer day and I was in desperate need of a cold drink. I opened the door to my fridge freezer, a Hotpoint model, and felt the warm air hit my face. I looked around for the fan, but it was nowhere to be seen. I had no idea where it was.

    I searched around the fridge, but still couldn’t find it. I took out all the shelves and drawers, but still nothing. I was starting to get frustrated and was about to give up when I noticed a small panel on the back of the fridge. I opened it up and there it was – the fan!

    I was relieved to find it, but I was also a bit embarrassed that I hadn’t noticed it before. I guess I had been so used to seeing it in the same spot that I hadn’t even looked for it. I put it back in place and the fridge was soon cool again.

    It was a lesson learned –