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how to clean dishwasher filter hotpoint

I have a Hotpoint dishwasher and I’m having trouble cleaning its filter. I’m not sure what the best way to do this is. I’ve tried using a brush to scrub it, but it doesn’t seem to be doing the job. I’ve also tried using a vacuum cleaner, but that didn’t work either. Does anyone have any advice on how to clean the filter? Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. I remember the first time I had to clean the dishwasher filter on my Hotpoint. It was a daunting task, and I was worried I’d mess it up. I read the manual and watched a few instructional videos, then I was ready to tackle it.

    I started by unplugging the dishwasher from the wall and taking off the bottom panel. I located the filter and removed it. I rinsed it with warm water and a bit of dish soap to get rid of any food particles. Then, I scrubbed it with a soft brush to remove any debris and gunk.

    Next, I filled a bowl with white vinegar and let the filter soak for a few minutes. After that, I rinsed it off and dried it with a clean cloth. I put the filter back in the dishwasher and replaced the bottom panel.

    Finally, I plugged the dishwasher back in and ran a cycle to make sure everything was working properly.