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how to bypass lid lock switch on kenmore washer

I’m in a bit of a bind. I have a Kenmore washer and the lid lock switch is broken. I’m trying to find a way to bypass the switch so that I can still use the washer. Does anyone know how to do this? I’m hoping to find an easy solution that won’t require me to buy a new part or take the washer apart. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I’m a single mom of two, and I recently had to figure out how to bypass the lid lock switch on my Kenmore washer. I was so frustrated and overwhelmed at first, but then I decided to take a deep breath and figure out a way to get it done.

    I started by looking up the model number of my washer online and found a few helpful videos that showed me how to bypass the lid lock switch. The first step was to unplug the washer from the wall. Then, I had to locate the lid lock switch and remove the two screws that held it in place. After that, I was able to disconnect the wires and carefully remove the lid lock switch.

    Next, I had to locate the bypass switch and connect the two wires to it. I was relieved to find that the bypass switch was easy to install and I was able to get it done without any problems. Once the bypass switch was in place, I was able to