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how do you fix a frigidaire electrolux oven if it won’t go on

I have a Frigidaire Electrolux oven that won’t turn on. I have checked the power source and it is connected and working properly. I have also checked the circuit breaker and it is not tripped. I have tried to reset the oven by unplugging it, waiting a few minutes, and then plugging it back in, but that has not worked. I am not sure what else to do to try to get it to turn on. Does anyone have any advice on how to fix this issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. Hello there!

    I understand your frustration with your Frigidaire Electrolux oven not turning on. I have had similar issues with my own oven in the past and I know how it feels to try and figure out what the problem is.

    The first thing you should do is to check the power supply. Make sure the oven is plugged in, and if it is, check the circuit breaker. If the breaker has been tripped, reset it and see if that solves the issue. If it does not, you may need to check the wiring. Make sure all the wires are connected properly and that none of them are frayed or broken. If everything looks okay, then you may need to check the oven’s control panel. Make sure the temperature and timer settings are correct and that the power switch is in the “on” position.

    If none of these steps solve the issue, then you may need to call a professional. A technician can come to your