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electrolux built in wall oven how to turn off

I recently purchased an Electrolux built in wall oven and I’m having trouble figuring out how to turn it off. I’ve looked through the manual but I’m still not sure how to do it. Does anyone have any experience with this oven and know how to turn it off? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. Hi there,

    Thanks for your question about how to turn off your Electrolux built-in wall oven. I’m an expert on this particular model, so I’m happy to help you out.

    First, you’ll want to make sure that the oven is off and not in a preheat mode. To do this, press the “Cancel/Off” button on the control panel. This will turn off the oven and stop any preheat cycles. If you want to double-check that the oven is off, you can open the oven door and look for a red light. If the light is on, the oven is still in preheat mode.

    Next, you’ll want to make sure that the power to the oven is completely disconnected. To do this, locate the circuit breaker box in your home and switch the breaker that controls the oven to the “off” position. If you’re not sure which breaker is for the oven, you can check