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where do i find a model number on a hotpoint washing machine

I recently purchased a Hotpoint washing machine and I’m having trouble finding the model number. I’ve looked all over the machine but can’t seem to locate it. Does anyone know where I can find the model number on a Hotpoint washing machine? I’m hoping to find the model number so I can look up more information about the machine and possibly find a manual. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. I remember the day I bought my Hotpoint washing machine. I was so excited to finally have a machine of my own that I could use to take care of my laundry. I was so eager to get it set up and start using it that I didn’t even think to look for the model number.

    I soon realized that I needed the model number to figure out what kind of detergent to buy and to register the machine for warranty. I had no idea where to find it. After a few minutes of searching, I finally found it hidden away on the back of the machine. It was a relief to finally find it.

    Now that I know where to find the model number, I can easily look it up whenever I need it. I’m so glad that I was able to figure out where to find it. It’s a good reminder to always take a few moments to familiarize myself with a new appliance before I start using it.