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how do i replace the drive motor coupling in my kitchenaid washer

I have a KitchenAid washer and I need to replace the drive motor coupling. I have looked up the instructions online, but I’m still feeling a bit overwhelmed. I’m not sure what kind of tools I need, or what the process of replacing it entails. Can anyone provide me with some advice or tips on how to successfully replace the drive motor coupling? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. My Kitchenaid washer was making a loud grinding noise and I knew it was time to replace the drive motor coupling. I had never done this before and was nervous about tackling the job. I took a deep breath and decided to dive in.

    I began by unplugging the power cord and removing the back panel. I then located the drive motor coupling and carefully removed it. I replaced it with the new one and then reattached the back panel. I plugged the power cord back in and crossed my fingers.

    To my relief, the washer started up without any issues. I was so relieved that I had been able to replace the drive motor coupling without any help. I was proud of myself for taking on the challenge and succeeding. It was a great feeling to know that I had saved myself a lot of money by doing the repair myself.