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why is my frigidaire refrigerator not getting cold

I have a Frigidaire refrigerator that is not getting cold. I have already checked the temperature control and it is set to the coldest setting, but the fridge is still not getting cold. I have also checked the condenser coils and the fan and both seem to be working properly. I am not sure what else to try. Does anyone have any ideas on what could be causing this issue and how I can fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. The most common cause of a refrigerator not getting cold is a lack of proper airflow. This can be caused by a dirty condenser coil, a blocked or restricted air vent, or a malfunctioning fan. It can also be caused by a faulty compressor or thermostat. If none of these are the issue, it could be a problem with the refrigerant or a refrigerant leak.