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where is the reset button on a hotpoint dryer

I recently purchased a Hotpoint dryer and I’m having trouble locating the reset button. I’ve looked through the manual and searched online, but I’m still not sure where it is. Does anyone know where the reset button is on a Hotpoint dryer? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I recently moved into a new home and found that the previous owners had left a Hotpoint dryer. I was excited to have a dryer, but I soon realized that I had no idea where the reset button was. After searching the manual and online, I was still unable to find it.

    Frustrated, I decided to take a closer look at the dryer itself. I examined the back, sides, and top of the machine and still had no luck. I was about to give up when I noticed a small button on the bottom right corner of the dryer. I pressed it and heard a faint click. I crossed my fingers and the dryer came to life!

    I was relieved to have found the reset button and thankful that I had taken the time to look closer at the machine. I was also thankful that the Hotpoint dryer had been left behind by the previous owners. It was a great reminder that sometimes a little patience and