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where is the model number on a hotpoint washing machine

I’m having trouble finding the model number on my Hotpoint washing machine. I’ve looked on the back, but I haven’t been able to find it. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice on where I should look or what I should do. I’m hoping someone can help me out and provide some guidance on how to locate the model number on my Hotpoint washing machine. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can provide.

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1 Answer

  1. It was a typical Saturday morning, I had a pile of laundry to do and I was ready to get started. I had recently bought a Hotpoint washing machine and I was excited to try it out. I had read the manual, but I couldn’t seem to find the model number. I searched everywhere, but it wasn’t listed in the manual or on the machine itself.

    I decided to do some research online and see if I could find the answer. After a few minutes of searching, I found out that the model number was located on the back of the machine. I was relieved to find the answer and I quickly got to work.

    I loaded up the washing machine, set the cycle, and started it up. The machine worked perfectly and I was so happy with my purchase. I was glad that I was able to find the model number and get the machine running. I was looking forward to many more loads of laundry with my new Hotpoint washing