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where is kitchenaid washer model number

I’m trying to locate a KitchenAid washer model number. I recently moved and can’t seem to find the paperwork with the model number. I’m hoping someone here can help me out. Does anyone know where I can find the model number for a KitchenAid washer? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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1 Answer

  1. My KitchenAid washer has been with me for over 10 years now. It’s been through a lot of wear and tear, but it still works like a charm. The model number is KAWS850LEQ2. I remember when I first bought it, I was so excited to have a washer that could handle all my laundry needs. I’ve moved it around a few times, but it’s always been reliable. I’ve washed everything from delicates to bulky items, and it’s never let me down. I’ve even used it to clean my car upholstery and rugs, and it’s done a great job. I’m so thankful for my KitchenAid washer, and I know I can count on it for many more years to come.