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what would cause a front load frigidaire washing machine to leak underneath

I have a Frigidaire front-load washing machine that has recently started to leak underneath. I’m not sure what is causing the leak, but I’m concerned that it could be something serious. I’ve checked the hoses and they appear to be in good shape, so I’m not sure what else could be causing the problem. I’m hoping someone here can offer some advice on what might be causing the leak and how to fix it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. The most common cause of a front-load Frigidaire washing machine leaking underneath is a faulty door seal. This seal can become cracked or worn, allowing water to escape from the washing machine. Other possible causes of a leaking Frigidaire washing machine include a faulty pump, a blocked drain hose, or a loose connection in the water supply line.