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how to replace a belt on a amana washing machine

I’m having trouble replacing the belt on my Amana washing machine. I’ve looked online for instructions, but I’m still having trouble understanding how to do it. I’m hoping someone can explain the process in simple steps. I’m also wondering if there are any tools I need to have on hand to make the job easier. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. I was recently faced with the daunting task of replacing the belt on my Amana washing machine. I was a little intimidated at first, but I soon realized that it was a relatively simple task.

    I started by unplugging the machine and removing the back panel. This gave me access to the belt and pulleys. I then removed the old belt and replaced it with the new one. I made sure to wrap it around the pulleys in the correct direction.

    Next, I reattached the back panel and plugged the machine back in. I then tested the machine by starting a wash cycle. It worked perfectly.

    I was relieved to have successfully replaced the belt on my Amana washing machine. The whole process was surprisingly easy and I was glad to have saved myself the cost of a service call. I was also happy to have gained a bit of knowledge that I can use in the future.