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how to remove water inlet screen on amana washing machine

I’m having trouble removing the water inlet screen on my Amana washing machine. I’ve tried to unscrew the screws that hold the screen in place, but they won’t budge. I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or if the screws are just stuck. I’m hoping someone can provide me with some advice on how to remove the water inlet screen. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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1 Answer

  1. I had a problem with my Amana washing machine the other day. It was making a strange noise, and I couldn’t seem to figure out what was wrong. After some research, I discovered that the water inlet screen was clogged and needed to be cleaned. I was a bit intimidated at first, but I decided to take the plunge and tackle the issue myself.

    I started by unplugging the washing machine and turning off the water supply. Then I removed the inlet hoses from the back of the machine and located the water inlet screen. I used a pair of pliers to carefully remove the screen, and then I used a brush to clean away any debris that had built up. After that, I reattached the hoses and plugged the machine back in.

    The whole process was surprisingly easy, and it only took me about 15 minutes to complete. I was relieved to have fixed the problem myself, and I was glad I didn’t