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how to remove amana refrigerator light bulb cover

I’m having trouble trying to remove the light bulb cover on my Amana refrigerator. I’ve tried pulling it off, but it won’t budge. Does anyone have any tips or tricks for how to remove it? I’m hoping for some advice so I can get the cover off and replace the light bulb. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I was recently tasked with the job of replacing the light bulb in my Amana refrigerator. I was a bit intimidated at first, but after doing a bit of research, I found that it was actually quite simple.

    First, I unplugged the refrigerator from the wall. Then, I opened the refrigerator door and located the light bulb cover. It was a small plastic piece located on the ceiling of the refrigerator. I used a flathead screwdriver to carefully remove the screws that were holding the cover in place.

    Once the screws were removed, I was able to carefully remove the cover. I then unscrewed the old light bulb and replaced it with a new one. After that, I carefully placed the cover back on the ceiling of the refrigerator and secured it with the screws.

    Finally, I plugged the refrigerator back in and tested the light. It worked perfectly! I was so relieved that I had successfully completed the task. Replacing the