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how to lower the top shelf electrolux broiling oven

I recently purchased an Electrolux Broiling Oven, and I’m having difficulty lowering the top shelf. I’ve tried adjusting the shelf, but it doesn’t seem to budge. I’m wondering if anyone has any advice or tips on how to lower the shelf. Is there a certain way to do it? Are there any tricks that I should know? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. Hello there! It’s great to see that you’re interested in learning how to lower the top shelf of your Electrolux broiling oven. I know that this can be a tricky task, but with the right steps and a bit of patience, you should be able to get it done in no time.

    First, make sure that the oven is unplugged and that all the knobs are in the off position. Then, locate the screws that are holding the top shelf in place. You’ll want to use a screwdriver to loosen these screws and then carefully remove the shelf. You may need to use a pair of pliers to help you with this.

    Once the shelf is removed, you’ll need to locate the adjustment screws. These screws are usually located at the back of the oven and can be adjusted to raise or lower the shelf. Make sure that you don’t adjust the screws too much, as this could damage the oven. Once you’ve adjusted the