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how to light a hotpoint gas stove oven

I’m having trouble lighting my Hotpoint gas stove oven. I’ve looked up the manual and it says to turn the knob to the “light” position and press the igniter button. However, when I do that, nothing happens. I’ve tried this multiple times and still nothing. Does anyone have any advice on how to get the oven lit? I’m not sure what else to do and would really appreciate any help.

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1 Answer

  1. I remember the first time I had to light the hotpoint gas stove oven. I was so nervous, I had never done it before and I wasn’t sure what to do. After I read the instructions, I realized it wasn’t as difficult as I thought.

    First, I made sure the oven was off and all the knobs were turned to the off position. Then, I opened the oven door and located the pilot light. I used a long match or a lighter to ignite the pilot light. I held the flame to the pilot light for about a minute until it lit and stayed lit.

    Next, I closed the oven door and turned the oven knob to the desired temperature. I could hear the gas ignite and the oven began to heat up. After a few minutes, I could feel the heat coming from the oven. I knew it was working properly.

    I was so relieved that I had successfully lit the hotpoint gas stove oven.