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how to fix a amana dryer

I have an Amana dryer that is not working properly. It will start to run and then it will stop after a few minutes. I have checked the lint trap and it is clean. I have also checked the vent and it is clear. I have tried to reset the dryer, but it does not seem to help. I am not sure what else to do to fix the issue. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix my Amana dryer? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I recently had a problem with my Amana dryer. After a few loads of laundry, it started to make a loud noise and the clothes weren’t drying. I knew I had to figure out how to fix it.

    I started by unplugging the dryer and taking off the back panel. I checked the lint filter and cleaned it out, then checked the exhaust vent to make sure it was clear. I also took a look at the drum belt to make sure it wasn’t loose or worn.

    Next, I checked the motor and the thermal fuse. The motor seemed to be working, but the thermal fuse had blown. I replaced it and put everything back together.

    Finally, I plugged the dryer back in and ran a load of laundry. It worked perfectly! I was so relieved that I was able to fix the dryer on my own. It was a great feeling of accomplishment and I’m glad I was able to