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how to drain amana washer

I recently purchased an Amana washer and I’m having some trouble figuring out how to drain it. I’ve read the manual and followed the instructions, but I’m still having trouble. Does anyone have any advice on how to drain an Amana washer? I’m hoping to get some tips from people who have experience with this particular model. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. My mom taught me how to drain an Amana washer when I was a young girl. I remember standing in front of the washer, feeling a little intimidated by the size and complexity of the machine. She showed me how to open the lid and locate the drain hose. She explained that the hose needed to be connected to a drain pipe or a sink in order for the water to be removed. I was amazed at how easy it was to complete the task.

    Next, my mom showed me how to turn the dial to the spin cycle and start the draining process. She warned me to be careful not to overfill the washer as this could cause the machine to malfunction. I watched as the water slowly drained from the washer, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

    Finally, my mom showed me how to disconnect the hose from the drain pipe or sink and replace the lid on the washer. I was so proud of myself for learning this new skill. I