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how to clean haier portable washer

I’m having a problem with my Haier portable washer. I’m not sure how to clean it properly. I’ve read the manual and it doesn’t provide much information. Does anyone have any advice on how to clean it? I want to make sure I’m taking the right steps to keep it in good condition. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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1 Answer

  1. Hello there!

    I’m glad you asked about how to clean your Haier portable washer. I’ve been using one for years and I know how important it is to keep it clean and running efficiently.

    The first step to cleaning your Haier portable washer is to unplug it from the wall and remove any clothes or other items from the drum. Once this is done, you can start cleaning the outside of the washer. Use a damp cloth and a mild detergent to wipe down the exterior of the washer. Be sure to rinse the cloth often to avoid leaving any detergent residue on the washer. Once the outside is clean, you can move on to the inside of the washer.

    To clean the inside of the washer, you will need a soft brush and a mild detergent. Start by brushing away any dirt or lint that has built up on the drum. Then, fill the washer with warm water and