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how to cancel a washing machine cycle hotpoint

I recently purchased a Hotpoint washing machine and I’m having trouble canceling a cycle. I’ve read the instructions and looked online for help, but I’m still not sure how to do it. I’m hoping someone can explain to me in detail how to cancel a cycle on a Hotpoint washing machine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I was so excited to get a new washing machine, but I quickly realized that I had no idea how to use it. After a few minutes of searching online, I finally figured out how to cancel a washing machine cycle on my Hotpoint.

    First, I opened the door and stopped the cycle by pressing the pause button. Then, I pressed the power button to turn off the machine. After that, I unplugged the power cord from the wall outlet.

    Finally, I used a damp cloth to wipe down the inside of the machine to remove any excess water. I was relieved to have successfully cancelled the cycle and my washing machine was ready to use again.

    It was a great feeling to have figured out how to use my new washing machine. I was so proud of myself for not giving up and finding the answer I needed. Now I can use my washing machine with confidence.