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how do i take the back of the freezer panel off a amana abb2524deq refrigerator

I’m having trouble taking the back of the freezer panel off my Amana ABB2524DEQ refrigerator. I’ve tried to remove the screws on the back panel, but they won’t budge. I’ve also tried to pull the panel off, but it won’t come off. Does anyone have any advice on how to take the back of the freezer panel off this refrigerator? I would really appreciate any help or advice that anyone can provide. Thank you!

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1 Answer

  1. To remove the back panel of the freezer compartment, you will need to open the freezer door and locate the two screws at the top of the panel. Unscrew the screws and then carefully pull the panel away from the freezer wall. Be careful not to damage the panel or the wall of the freezer.