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hotpoint washer dryer all lights flashing when drying

I recently purchased a Hotpoint washer dryer and when I try to use the drying function, all the lights start flashing. I’m not sure what is causing this and I’m really hoping to get some help from other people who may have experienced the same issue. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do to fix this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I was so excited when I bought my new Hotpoint washer dryer. I thought I was finally going to have an easier time doing laundry. But the first time I tried to use it, I was disappointed. The lights were flashing when I tried to dry my clothes and I couldn’t figure out why. I tried to troubleshoot the problem, but nothing seemed to work. I was so frustrated and felt like I had wasted my money. I decided to call the manufacturer and see if they could help me. The customer service representative was really helpful and walked me through how to reset the machine. After a few minutes, the lights stopped flashing and the machine started working properly. I was relieved that I didn’t have to buy a new washer dryer and that I could finally do my laundry with ease.