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why won’t my amana dishwasher dry

I’m having an issue with my Amana dishwasher not drying my dishes properly. I’ve tried all the usual things like running the hot water before starting the cycle and making sure the rinse aid is full, but nothing seems to be working. I’m wondering if anyone else has had this issue and if so, what did you do to fix it? Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I bought my Amana dishwasher a few years ago and it has been a great appliance. Recently, however, I noticed that my dishes weren’t coming out as dry as they used to. I tried adjusting the settings, but nothing seemed to work. I decided to do some research and found out that the problem could be caused by a few different things. First, the heating element may be malfunctioning. Second, the water temperature may be too low. Third, the water pressure may be too low. Finally, the vent may be blocked or clogged. I checked all of these and none of them seemed to be the problem. I’m really frustrated and don’t know what to do next. I’m hoping that I can find a solution soon so that my dishes will come out dry and sparkling again.