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how to start a spon cycle amana washing machine

I’m having trouble starting my Amana washing machine. I’ve tried following the instructions in the manual, but I’m still having trouble. I’m not sure if I’m missing something or if there’s something I’m not understanding. I’m hoping someone can help me figure out how to start the machine so I can get my laundry done. Does anyone have any advice on how to start a Amana washing machine? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. I’ve been using my Amana washing machine for years and it’s been a great experience. I’m always amazed at how easy it is to start a spin cycle. To begin, I make sure the machine is plugged in and the power switch is in the “on” position. Then I open the lid and place my clothes in the washer. I add the appropriate amount of detergent and select the desired cycle. Once I press the start button, the machine will fill with water and begin to agitate the clothes. I can hear the motor running and the water swishing around. After a few minutes, the machine will switch to the spin cycle. The machine will spin the clothes at a high speed, extracting the water from the clothes. The spin cycle is complete when the machine slows down and stops. I open the lid and remove the clothes. My Amana washing machine has always been reliable and easy to use.