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how to fix a pump on a frigidaire washing machine

I have a Frigidaire washing machine and the pump seems to be malfunctioning. I have tried to fix it myself, but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I’m not sure if I’m missing a part or if I’m not doing something correctly. I’m not sure what to do next. Does anyone have any advice on how to fix a pump on a Frigidaire washing machine? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1 Answer

  1. First, check the power source to make sure the pump is getting power. If it is, then check the pump itself for any blockages or obstructions. If the pump is clear, then check the drain hose for any kinks or blockages. If the hose is clear, then check the water level switch and make sure it is working properly. If it is, then check the water inlet valve to make sure it is not clogged or stuck open. If it is, then replace it. If the water inlet valve is working properly, then check the drain pump motor for any signs of damage or wear. If it is damaged, then replace it.